One size doesn't fit all - specific advice for specific problems

Our network of over 140+ alumni provide specific advice for your unique challenges via our tailored support program.


Facilitating connections for startups to accelerate their business.

"I am expanding to the US, can you help me with contacts that can make me understand the US market better?"

"I am seeking introductions and insights related to the construction industry. Can anyone assist or discuss this with me?"


Strategic coaching for founders with a focus on both personal and professional development.

"I believe I need to pivot my business model, but I want to discuss this before making such a significant decision."

"I'm struggling with time management and prioritization as we scale."


Discuss and solve specific business challenges with a trusted expert.

"How do we properly execute an employee equity program?"

"I'm ready to fundraise, but how can I ensure I make the right decisions?"

Our network

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Arjanneke Teeuw

DGA Sardijn

Know your competitors' strengths and prices. Clearly highlight your product's benefits and quantify its monetary value for customers.

Arthur Schoof

Maritime Professional at Schoof Maritime Advisory (SMA)

Dare to ask for advice!

Barbara van Hussen

Partner at JB Law

With a perfect product, managing stakeholders is vital. Ensure strong orchestration from the start for success.

Bart van Geluk


Let's do.

Bart van der Werf

Founder of Innovation Booster


Start with a small team building a deep understanding of customer needs/competitive advantage. The rest is iteration/perseverance.

Bas van Heel

Executive Mentor Helium Consult

Become an entrepreneur because it gives you a lot of energy and you like hard work. Then success will come naturally.

Bastiaan Witvoet

Owner Oranjegroep and Euro-Caps

Stick to your own personal reason why you are building a company. It is a long ride to commit to, but time flies if it is aligned with your own personal goals.

Bastiaan van de Rakt

Co-Founder Deeploy | Enjins | Why Commit Capital


Grow - your team! Stretch - no boundaries! Act - clients first!

Benno van Dongen

Senior Partner at Roland Berger

Believe in yourself but surround yourself with people to compensate for your weaknesses.

Bob de Kuyper

Former CEO Koninklijke de Kuyper

Chill when things do not go as planned: iterations are part of creating a great product or service.

Boukje Koch

Founder A4M group


"I never lose. I either win or learn…" - Nelson Mandela

Braden Weinstock

CEO PrettyData.co

200+ matches already made

Successful matches

Previous matches between our portfolio companies and support network

Supporting alumni

"It’s always inspiring to spend time with founders really pushing complex and impactful technologies forward."

Arend van de Stadt
Founder Eagle Vision Systems
Portfolio founder

"It's great to see that Arend's expertise can guide us in refining our technology into a scalable product and grow our organization with it."

Michaël Ozo
Founder & CEO XOSight
Supporting alumni

"The ambition from BASH is great to see, being a part of their journey as they scale is something I’m already enjoying."

Merlin de Graaf
Founder BLOOM
Portfolio founder

"Merlin was a great help! Thanks to her B2C-specific expertise from her time at Vinted, she quickly understood our challenges, which lead to substantial progress in just one meeting."

Elise Mol
Co-Founder BASH
Supporting alumni

"It's truly inspiring to see these young entrepreneurs pursuing their dreams. I'm actively contributing to bring focus to their sales processes wherever I can."

Tom Schoemaker
Business Development  Bonusan
Portfolio founder

"Tom has a strong B2B sales track record, he was able to quickly pinpoint improvements and missed opportunities in our sales approach."

Dorus van den Oord
Co-Founder & CEO Orderli

For alumni

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For startups

Early-stage founder from the universities of Rotterdam or Delft looking for support?

Apply here